Friday, September 4, 2009

Sprint has a Hero!

Sprint has just announced that officially they will be releasing their new phone the HTC HERO {[gasp]}. I dont like to draw comparisons to that other phone on the ATT network [cough, cough] but, this will definately put a dent in that phone's plan for world domination. Here's a Spec list:

3.2 in. Display (multi-touch)
Full Flash Support (!)
Google Android Operating System [[sprint 1st]]

5 mgpxl camera (take that!) 

I only posted the Specs you guys would care about... I'm not a tech blog.  But if you hit up the Follow up link, you can get a full specs list. It seems that Sprint has given the Hero a makeover as well, this is what it used to look like...

IT has the oh so memorable G1 chin... i didnt like it on the G1, but i like it on the Hero. Eh! Well, its gone now. What are your impressions. Comment. 


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