FOX NEWS!!! [{{Come ON}}]
[courtesy of FoxNews]
Okay, So Fox News Is All but Fair or Balanced, as all who watch it would know... But what you may have missed yesterday is The crazy reactions from Right-wing {{Republican}} americans that are outraged by The DUMbest things.... UGH! This is Why i watch CNN and MSNBC. But, For you guys, I have thE Video's for your viewing Pleasure. The First Is People's Absurd reaction to Obama's desire to speack to students in the Classroom. One mother goes as far as taking her daughter out of the class the day Obama Comes [ComeON] ... I dont like to say Racist... But her reasons aren't substantial enough for my liking. Anyhow, WAtch and Draw your own Conclusions.
Then This LAdy is Upset because a PRivate School {{{PRIVATE SCHOOL}}, meaning the school is privately funded from whoever they so choose, is accepting Money from Saudi's. She causes an uproar at TownHall about it! OMG! Check it out.
Where the hell has the world gone?
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