iPhone User's finally Join the Rest of the World
So in case you Iphone user didnt know, Sept. 25, is the day of celebration. {{HORRAY}}. That is the official Date that Apple will be REleaSing their new update to unlock MMS for ATT customers. (although people who Jailbroke their phone's already had the ability). This is absolutely Rediculous That you poor americans can Really, ready, Really (really, really, really) be naive enough to be Excited about This. The Guys over there and APPle, have found a way to Get people Excited over a SIMPLE Function That Every phone, [including the free ones], have always had. HAHA! Its so Sad that I have friends that say things like this when Asked Why they want to get an iPhone:
"I want an iPhone because its touch Screen and it has an app store and, Dude, did you see?? it finally got MMS (picture Mail)."
Give me a break guys... lol. the iPhone is an amazing phone. But lets not get pumped over simple Crap.
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