Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Osama bin Laden Loves Whitney...

Okay... okay... This News is actually old... But If I can miss it, So can you...  If todays MEdia is to be Trusted [which is debatable], Osama bin Laden, You know the guy who killed 5,000 americans and somehow got away with it, is in love with Whitney Houston... He goes on to say:
"he had a paramount desire for Whitney Houston, and although he claimed music was evil he spoke of someday spending vast amounts of money to go to America and try to arrange a meeting with the superstar.
HE even goes Further by saying the he wants to KiLL bobby to get to her. I cant necessarilly say that i disagree with that action... Just sayin, if we could end a potential World War III by just killing him and passing over whitney... Why the Hell not!??
I have no more to say... I dont understand how we could possibly know who he aspires to meet, yet we cant even find what cave he's hiding in. He's Probably not even in a cave... He's probably chillin here in america at somebody's Hyatt hotel. lol. Okay, i'm done... hit up the Follow up for more on this story. 

I Love Whitney. I have her new Album and Everything. downloaded it. I just have to report the facts here. lol. Sry whitney. :-/ Here's a better pic of you. 

AAAaaaHHHhhh!!! Thats the whitney We LOve. 


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