PAlm... Doin' Alot.
Palm, I think you have an Amazing Phone... But you are Doing Too much For me to keep UP! Okay... Where Shall We Start.
Yesterday9. 08. 09:
After Weeks of Speculation Regarding the awaited PRice Drop of the Palm Pre, Yesterday Sprint customers were not amused by what They saw... {really, not at all}. Although Sprint hadn't Officially Announced it... The palm Pre Had a special promotion on their website yesterday for Anyone Porting their number from another Carrier, To sprint. [yawn] They offered a $100 Service Credit to those individuals... bringing the Grand Total of the Palm Pre to... **drum Roll** ... $100.
But Dont get your panties in a Bunch Just Yet Sprint Customers... You soon will have your revenge. Becuz only hours after the online promotion, It was REvoked. Engadget says:
"Sprint says the promotion was put into the system by error and has since been pulled and canceled, although customers who signed up during the glorious six hours the deal was live will still get the credit"What a Ploy... geez.
Sprint then Announces today that Not only will they be offering the Palm PRe at Yet ANOTHER reduced price (($150)) But they also Confirmed that They will be getting yet ANOTHER palm device. Check out the Pics:
ITs pretty... and since the Pre is running at $150 after Mail-in Rebate... Its assumed that this will run around the $100 range... Awesome. We ARen't a Tech Site [[as i always say]] So if you want to read the Specs and Vids of this thing, Check out the Follow up link.
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