Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Tyra... your hair is...

Remember when We Used to hear the stories about How tyra was Afraid to Take off her wigs and weaves during sex?? IF you dont remember, This may jog your memory:
“Tyra is a confident woman for the most part, but she is really insecure about her hair. She doesn’t want any guy to see herwithout her wigs or hair extensions. Tyra feels like guys are with her for her image that they see on TV and in magazines. If one wakes upwithout her glamorous hair, she’s worried he may not call back!”
Well,  IT's Pretty Hard to miss the Fact that Today Everyone is reporting About Her Revealling her ReAL hair on Her Television Talk Show. IT's Really not that big of a deal... We always knew she whore fake hair, and its not like she's bald like some other choice models... [ahem] Naomi Campbell. But here is a video for you to enjoy. Watch her explain how she BEAT her face but is still all natural. lmao.
I dont really get it... There is no Real point in showing us this Tyra... But, I guess do whatever you do for those ratings. IF given the oppurtunity, she'd probably be down for Killing on National TV!!
You Gotta keep up with Oprah and Wendy, Tyra. lol. But as long as we dont get another Segment like this one:

Tyra we love you. Keep the Ball Rollin. I'd BE a Ratings whore too if i had your Kind of Money!


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