Friday, September 11, 2009

Why Was this Not a LAw?

DondaWestLaw (what it states):
prohibit performance of electronic cosmetic facial surgery unless, within 30 days before the procedure, a physical examination is conducted and written clearance for surgery is provided.
Now, People have been getting Surgery for years... and they've also been dying every-so-often. Case in point: Good ol' Blobby here! {{Disclaimer: Its not real}}

Okay, so blobby is a little excessive... however, fatal facial surgeries are not uncommon. And I find it kinda of Comical that it took Ms. West's [if your nasty]<--- (i dont know why i always write that), death for the Governement of California {{Plastic Surgery Capitol of the World!}} to finally enact a LAw that will prohibit people from getting Facial Surgery without first being examined. This is Rediculous, I guess us normal people arent important enough for Mr. Schwarzeneger. Well, seeing as This is only California law [(in the making)], if it passes, everyone outside California will have to cross their fingers and hope they dont die before going under the knife... geez. This country is crazy.


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