Unsafe Deposit Box!!
Okay... As the years pass, things are only getting increasingly more Ridiculous... Case in Point, We've had online banking for some years now and Now they want to take it a step further... DEPOSITING MONEY through the internet. [geez] All you need is a Scanner they say and you can Scan those Checks into your account and be Credited instantly. IT only reminds me of how fragile our Economic Structure Really is...
HiSTORY LeSSON [sorry, had to do it]:
I wont Keep you Long... This is the Abridged Version. Long Ago, We would handle our Business through what we call Bartering [they exchanged goods for other goods]. Thats Very important because, This is where Physical Money Derives.
INstead of, say, Exchanging a Pig for some Corn... They came up with Money which basically says to the NExt guy,
"Hey, I'll give you this Token if you give me this Corn. And if you come to my place with that Coin, I'll give you my Pig."sounds Reasonable Enough... of Course, what would happen is, The Token that one person gave you could/would mean nothing to another person. In Comes GOLD! Gold, to a European, What a precious metal and was sought after heavily {{i mean, they destroyed africa}}. Unequal trading, Slavery, imperialism... All of this happened as a result of the Quest for gold and riches.
Thus sprouted the Gold sTandard... blah blah blah. THen comes banking!! Banks would hold your gold for you, and in return give you a BANK NOTE. This bank note was much lighter [[much, much, much]] than having all the gold and made it much easier to manage. In the beginning, For every bank note there would be an equal amount of gold held in the Bank...
There were too many banks... All of them had different rates and standards... IT would just cause confusion as you hopped state to state. One man's Bank note meant nothing to the other MAn...Enter, FEDERAL RESERVE!!! the new gold standard.
NOW, there is no TRUE value to money, its only worth something because we think its worth something. [[what a load of Sh*+]. In Fact, We're in a Recession now because of that very Federal REserve, Which, if you didnt know, is a PRIVATE BANK! dont let the name fool you.
This isnt the only attempt to bring banking to our homes... apparently there is a new Iphone App that does essentially the same thing... the diff?? well, you just take a picture of the check. WTF!?? [Kill me now...]
Here is a picture of the App they are calling "Deposit@Mobile"
We're all doomed to oblivion. But Can you imagine?? People Like Bill Gates and Oprah are essentially just like us.... Their only Rich because we believe them to be. If we all woke up one morning and smelled the Fresh air, They'd be broke too... hehe!
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