Friday, September 11, 2009

WOrld oldest Woman Dead

[courtesy of AP]

I Hope to God that my Grandma lives to be this old... but in Case you missed it, World oldest woman, Gertrude Baines has Died today at a HEfty Age of 115. While Cause of Death is Still unknown, Doctors Believe it was most likely a Heart Attack {{but honestly, why cant it just be her time}}.

Ms. Baines [if your nasty], According to the Associated PRess, Just Barely got the title as world's oldest woman when another 115 woman, Maria de JEsus [mary of jesus??] of Portugal, Died in JAnuary. Now The oldest PErson in the World is... drum roll Plz... 114 year old Kama Chinen of, you guessed it, JApan!!

I mean, There is alot more to the Story... But I just dont understand why they are keeping up with these women's Deaths. I mean honestly, Telling us the only reason She is best is because someone else dies... This is just Morbid. I'll Say no more.

Maybe, one day you will become the oldest person in the world... you know... When everyone dies and you are the only 20 or 30 year old around.... Lets keep hope alive! [or keep Kama Alive... Whatever comes first]


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