Tuesday, September 15, 2009

ReallYY?? It Cant be ALl That BAd!

Thank you YAhoo! for this wonderful Story. There isnt a Bad enough Grade that Can make me do this! lmao. but Congrats for MAking NAtional News guy! IF you dont know What i'm Talking about, Read this sTory, and you'll understand.
HUNTSVILLE, Ala. – An 11-year-old boy gets high marks in storytelling after staging a hoax to cover up his bad grades. Police said the boy faked his kidnapping Friday to avoid bringing home a bad report card, saying that a man with a pistol snatched him after he left Ed White Middle School. The boy said the man forced him into a "beat-up car" and threatened to kill him.

The student said he escaped by jumping out of the car but wasn't able to grab his bookbag, which contained the report card.

He ran to his grandparents' house and later confessed to lying. His grandfather called police to apologize

Sgt. Mark Roberts said police were suspicious that the boy was able to "escape" with his band instrument, but not his bookbag.
Roberts said the boy faces no charges at this time.

Jeez. Lets all get a Grip. hehe!

Kanye, Ur wild'n out!

This is our Third post on Kanye, And though its old news [at least to us] it is our civil duty to report the facts. As you already know, Kanye, on Sunday's amazing VMAs , decided to snatch the Mic from wholesome Taylor Swift and Tell the world that he thinks the decision was Bull [basically].
Anyhow, then... Kanye made even more of an ass of himself once he hit the backstage of The Award show... There are no words that can express the idiocy he portrayed once that happened, so i let the video do all the talking for me.

All of this Just because you didnt win an award?? Its a Whole different World When Celebrities are no longer happy with they're sold out shows, million dollar homes, limitless cash, billions of adoring fans, and hundreds of magazine appearances. {{i dont get it}} No, no... its a silver metal moonman statuette that takes you on edge.
Now, HE did apologize online and Also on the Jay Leno Show... saying:
So many celebrities, they never take the time off," he said. "I've never taken the time off to really — you know, just music after music and tour after tour. I'm just ashamed that my hurt caused someone else's hurt. My dream of what awards shows are supposed to be, 'cause, and I don't try to justify it because I was just in the wrong. That's period. But I need to, after this, take some time off and just analyze how I'm going to make it through the rest of this life, how I'm going to improve."
Ok Kanye... Enjoy Vacation.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

From our Friends over at DarJarOnline.com

This is a commercial promotion for our friends over at DarJAr. I really like it guys. I think its cute, funny, entertaining, and all around creative. I hope you guys enjoy it as much as i did. No bad words about this one guys. so take a look.

VMA's 2009: the RunDown

So after an amazing performance by Janet JAckson, Kanye west no doubt dissed Taylor Swift for winning an award for Best Female Music Video over Beyonce's Single Ladies. {{what a fag}}
Check out the vid. IT was sooooooooo rude. 

I'm Sorry... but i'm sure beyonce knew something about this... i love her, dearly... but she knew what the hell was about to happen. I mean, We all knew that you deserved that award... but it was a little extra to put kanye up to this task.

[courtesy of Mtv.com]
The Next Greatest Highlight of the night Came from LAdy Gaga's Best Live PErformance, in my opinion.... PAparazzi. She had blood in her eye and everything {{Check out the end of the performance}}. IT was also her best Vocals yet as well. And when she put her LEG ON THAT PIANO!!! OMG. Check out the vid... I cant do it justice.

Speaking of beyonce...She has a new song that just leaked as we speak... called control... go to the link to download it

and... more on beyonce... her performance was bore inspiring. I absolutely yawned at her 100th rendition of Single Ladies and her 1000 fans on stage that learned the dance at home and got a spot on stage in that silver get up. Bey, you should have stuck to Sweet Dreams. I mean... Kanye put up all the heat for you, and this is what you do?? ugh. die. (not really... i love you. lmao.)

[courtesy of MTv.com]

Thankfully... beyonce graciously gave taylor swift the mic in the end... her 2 seconds of fame that Kanye Stripped from her... poor thing

And, I dont know if anyone noticed... but lady gaga... after her crazy red carpet outfit {pictured above} and her performance outfit... Changed again, into this crazy get up before accepting her award for best new artist
In her awards speech...She says:
"This is for God and the Gays"
Oh... and let us not forget the wonderful performance that Ms. JAckson {{if you nasty... had to do it}} did as a tribute to her dead brother. LEts watch... and take note of the boy on the right during the Smooth Criminal dance when they start leaning... He's a mess. 

To make the night even better, Kanye won absolutely no awards... [poor guy, guess he just wasnt good enough], And Solange performs on the break after beyonce. A couple more people won awards and then Pinks wonderful performance of course. take a look. I'm horrible because i kind of wanted her to fall... too bad for that rig... (damn)

And thats it for my coverage guys. If you want to see more, or hear more about the awards. hit up the comments and let me know what you think.thanks.