Monday, September 19, 2011

Peter Jones

Walk away with their money! lmao. KAAKAKA. Some of you may be curious as to why Math.floor(), instead of Math.round(), is used in the above code. While both successfully round off its containing parameter to an integer within the designated range, Math.floor does so more "evenly", so the resulting integer isn't lopsided towards either end of the number spectrum. In other words, a more random number is returned using Math.floor(). By the way, the Random Motivational script uses just the aforementioned code to randomly display a quote.

Health Club Owner

Some of you may be curious as to why Math.floor(), instead of Math.round(), is used in the above code. While both successfully round off its containing parameter to an integer within the designated range, Math.floor does so more "evenly", so the resulting integer isn't lopsided towards either end of the number spectrum. In other words, a more random number is returned using Math.floor(). By the way, the Random Motivational script uses just the aforementioned code to randomly display a quote.

Hello Nurse!

Idsfklsdjf ds fdlksjfaldsk f;jdslkfj dsl;kfj dsfsdfajkfl dsf dslkfjdsf dslkfj dsfkljfoiewjf d fewoifj ewoifjewo;ifjoewijf ewoi;fjoiefjewo ifjew oif;jeoiwfj ewo;ijf ewif.

Some of you may be curious as to why Math.floor(), instead of Math.round(), is used in the above code. While both successfully round off its containing parameter to an integer within the designated range, Math.floor does so more "evenly", so the resulting integer isn't lopsided towards either end of the number spectrum. In other words, a more random number is returned using Math.floor(). By the way, the Random Motivational script uses just the aforementioned code to randomly display a quote.

OMG! this is horrible.

You are  a tough girl... i am coming im coming. what the hell are you doing to me. omg. you need to get away from me right now... i do not respect the fact that you are here... this is not a problem. is she about to get a c section. you are not aloud to film in here? what!? ugh. disgusting. 

HEllo Dolly

Lets trigger the contractions of labor.... boo yow!!! sfsdlkfjsdlkfjsd itlfksdjf lsdk;jfsldkfj dskl;fj sdlkf;j dsl;kf jdskjdsksjdklfjdskjds f lkjdlskjf dslkfjdslkfjdslkfjdslkfjds   lkfjsd;lfakjdslfk;jds fksld;fjdsl;fj ds;lkafjs;lkfajdslkfajsdlkfajdslkfjdslk fsdkfjdslkfj dslkfjds lklkfjdslfkjd slkfjsdla kfdslkfj dslkfj dslkjf ldskjf lsdkjf lkdsjflkjdsflkdsj flkdjsflkdsj flkdjs flkjds lkfjsd lkfjdskl fjdklf jdslkf jdslkfj dslk flkjf dslkjfa dslkfjsdlkafj dsljkfa ldskjfa lkdsjf lkdsj flkdsjfa lksdjf lk jsalfkj sdlkf jkfj sdfa jsdlkjf lksd jflksdj flkdsjf lkasjlksdjlkja flkdsjfakl dsjflk jdslkfjds lkfj slkajf dslkjfd slkfajdslkfj sjfa sdlkjfsljkfasdlkfajsalkfjslkdjfalksdjfalksdjflksdjflkdsjflkdsjflkjwoiujroifejklnvlfkcnvlkjfoienvoinvoin eijf oi niofnoif fnoienv oinvoinflks naflkjd oifj eowknfvkos nvoinafoiewndvlsknvs. 

Sunday, September 18, 2011


This has been quite a mission for you for the past couple of years. transendental meditation it as asdfn dslf;kdsjnfl ksjd;kjd lkf;jds flds;jf ldsktjfds;lksjd fdls kjfdslk fjdslk;fj sdlk;fjds kjdsl;kf dslfk jlfksdj;afl;ksjdfksld j fksfjdslkjfdskjdsfdskfl;jdsklf;jd sklf;jds klf;jdsl;kfdjs l;kf jlkj sdlkfjsd;lkfjds fdsl;kfjdsl;kfjds lkfjdsl;kfj dslkfj dsklf;jdslk;fjdsl;kfjds lkfjdsvncxmnvxkcjvnoidfgoinvl fvdslfk vdsfj oijoi;jg eoiwjnglfd;kvg dfg dsafj dskfdslka jfsdkjf ;jaf is;jf;lksaj lfs;kj flksj lk;fjds akjfdlsk;fjdslkfj dslkf jds fds flk;dsj fkl;sfds flkdsj fl;kdjsflksajf sjka;f dlksafakl;sdjf;lksdjflkdsjfdsjkfhldskjfhlkdsjflk dsfkldsj fkldsj flksdjf lsdkjaflkjf salkfj sdlka fdlskfj sdkfaslkd jflksdj flkds jflkjsd fds fklsdj flksjdlkf jsdlkafjlkds jflksdj flksdjfsdjflksdjfa