Saturday, September 12, 2009

Oxford must be Bored...

Soooo... in case you missed it... PAris Hilton has officially left her mark on the world with her famous quote being published into the Oxford Dictionary of Quotes. This is important because when i'm in English 201 and I need an awesome quote for a paper regarding.... well, just read the quote:
    "Dress cute wherever you go, life is too short to blend in"
Truly, these words amongst others belong along side Aristotle, Confuscious, Martin Luther, and Plato. And If that Quote didnt Tickle your Fancy How about this great line, by our favorite political Candidate:

"What's the difference between a hockey mom and a pit bull? Lipstick."
God... after this someone needs to lose their job. This  isnt even funny anymore. Next will be that "You Lie" Quote by Representative Joe Wilson.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Why Was this Not a LAw?

DondaWestLaw (what it states):
prohibit performance of electronic cosmetic facial surgery unless, within 30 days before the procedure, a physical examination is conducted and written clearance for surgery is provided.
Now, People have been getting Surgery for years... and they've also been dying every-so-often. Case in point: Good ol' Blobby here! {{Disclaimer: Its not real}}

Okay, so blobby is a little excessive... however, fatal facial surgeries are not uncommon. And I find it kinda of Comical that it took Ms. West's [if your nasty]<--- (i dont know why i always write that), death for the Governement of California {{Plastic Surgery Capitol of the World!}} to finally enact a LAw that will prohibit people from getting Facial Surgery without first being examined. This is Rediculous, I guess us normal people arent important enough for Mr. Schwarzeneger. Well, seeing as This is only California law [(in the making)], if it passes, everyone outside California will have to cross their fingers and hope they dont die before going under the knife... geez. This country is crazy.

NY Fashion Week... Like Christmas for the Fashionable.

So, If you didnt know, Yesterday MArked the First Day of New Yorks God Given Fashion Week... Which MEans.... WE HAVE THE FASHION... Heres a Couple Of Great Looks From the First Day. Comment and Enjoy.


All these pictures were Provided Courtesy of See these full collections and more by hitting up the Followup link. I will continue coverage as Fashion Week runs on.

WOrld oldest Woman Dead

[courtesy of AP]

I Hope to God that my Grandma lives to be this old... but in Case you missed it, World oldest woman, Gertrude Baines has Died today at a HEfty Age of 115. While Cause of Death is Still unknown, Doctors Believe it was most likely a Heart Attack {{but honestly, why cant it just be her time}}.

Ms. Baines [if your nasty], According to the Associated PRess, Just Barely got the title as world's oldest woman when another 115 woman, Maria de JEsus [mary of jesus??] of Portugal, Died in JAnuary. Now The oldest PErson in the World is... drum roll Plz... 114 year old Kama Chinen of, you guessed it, JApan!!

I mean, There is alot more to the Story... But I just dont understand why they are keeping up with these women's Deaths. I mean honestly, Telling us the only reason She is best is because someone else dies... This is just Morbid. I'll Say no more.

Maybe, one day you will become the oldest person in the world... you know... When everyone dies and you are the only 20 or 30 year old around.... Lets keep hope alive! [or keep Kama Alive... Whatever comes first]

Thursday, September 10, 2009

LMAO! thank you BBC... I needed that!

I dont think that i can do this Story Justice... I want you guys to Read it and Experience it the same Way i did... HAHA! This will teach you guys to stop sending emails to those fake Craigslist Reality Show Ads. haha!


Nine women in Turkey have been freed from a villa they entered two months ago thinking they were taking part in a Big Brother-style reality TV show.
Police stormed the building in Riva, reportedly after family members became concerned they were being prevented from contacting the women.
According to local media, naked images of the women were sold on the internet.
They were also told to fight each other, wear bikinis and dance by the pool, HaberTurk newspaper reports.
The mother of one of women told the newspaper they were not abused or sexually harassed.
Cries for help
The duped contestants are said to be aged between 16 and 24.
The women had responded to an advert seeking contestants for a reality show that would be aired on a major Turkish television station, Dogan news agency reports.
They were reportedly made to sign a contract that banned them from any outside contact and ordered them to pay a 50,000 Lira ($33,000, £20,000) fine if they left the show before two months.
The women are said to have realised they were being duped soon after moving into the villa, in the summer resort of Riva on Istanbul's outskirts.
But they were told they would have to pay the fine if they wanted to leave, Dogan reports.
When the police arrived at the villa to free the women, they reportedly heard cries for help from inside the building.
HaberTurk newspaper says four people who lived at the villa with the women were detained.
Police are still searching for the gang's leader who sold images of the women on the internet, the newspaper adds.

 I wonder When was the point where they realized they were being exposed?? haha! I hope they have that on tape... Should make for Great TV! {{Bad, Bad Boy!}}

I'm Crazy... its not my Fault!

I've heard some ridiculous claims in the past about what was going on in the Mind's of Murderers and Felons... But this Definitely Takes the Cake [[Even better than the Transvestite]]. This woman pictured above, Rekha Kumari-Baker, Has killed both of her Children... Devina, age 16, and Jasmine, age 13.

She Claims She is innocent because [and i quote] her "body went on auto-pilot" and she couldn't remember anything. {{I swear to you, I cant Make tHis Sh*t up!}}. Please Tell me that She is Joking... I mean... We have got people going to Jail for stealing Candy from a Corner store and Fighting on their Block and This lady may get off because of her AUTO-Pilot!?

Well, Lets thank god for people like Dr. Neil Hunt, a Psychiatrist, Who says that she is not mentally iLL just disturbed. hehe! The HEaring Still Continues... Lets hope that this lady gets locked up forever! 

Featuring: La Douche

I'm Sure if you're a Dance Fan, you probably havent missed this... But Since it's new to me... It will be NEw To you... Not much introduction... Just enjoy this British Columbian Dance Crew, La Douche!
And, for you Tranny Beyonce Fan's of the the world that Want a Little Bit of both... Here you go [Video of the Year]:

Unsafe Deposit Box!!

Okay... As the years pass, things are only getting increasingly more Ridiculous... Case in Point, We've had online banking for some years now and Now they want to take it a step further... DEPOSITING MONEY through the internet. [geez] All you need is a Scanner they say and you can Scan those Checks into your account and be Credited instantly. IT only reminds me of how fragile our Economic Structure Really is... 

HiSTORY LeSSON [sorry, had to do it]:
I wont Keep you Long... This is the Abridged Version. Long Ago, We would handle our Business through what we call Bartering [they exchanged goods for other goods]. Thats Very important because, This is where Physical Money Derives. 
INstead of, say, Exchanging a Pig for some Corn... They came up with Money which basically says to the NExt guy, 
"Hey, I'll give you this Token if you give me this Corn. And if you come to my place with that Coin, I'll give you my Pig."
sounds Reasonable Enough... of Course, what would happen is, The Token that one person gave you could/would mean nothing to another person. In Comes GOLD! Gold, to a European, What a precious metal and was sought after heavily {{i mean, they destroyed africa}}. Unequal trading, Slavery, imperialism... All of this happened as a result of the Quest for gold and riches. 

Thus sprouted the Gold sTandard... blah blah blah. THen comes banking!! Banks would hold your gold for you, and in return give you a BANK NOTE. This bank note was much lighter [[much, much, much]] than having all the gold and made it much easier to manage. In the beginning, For every bank note there would be an equal amount of gold held in the Bank...

There were too many banks... All of them had different rates and standards... IT would just cause confusion as you hopped state to state. One man's Bank note meant nothing to the other MAn...Enter, FEDERAL RESERVE!!! the new gold standard.

NOW, there is no TRUE value to money, its only worth something because we think its worth something. [[what a load of Sh*+]. In Fact, We're in a Recession now because of that very Federal REserve, Which, if you didnt know, is a PRIVATE BANK! dont let the name fool you.


This isnt the only attempt to bring banking to our homes... apparently there is a new Iphone App that does essentially the same thing... the diff?? well, you just take a picture of the check. WTF!?? [Kill me now...]
Here is a picture of the App they are calling "Deposit@Mobile"
We're all doomed to oblivion. But Can you imagine?? People Like Bill Gates and Oprah are essentially just like us.... Their only Rich because we believe them to be. If we all woke up one morning and smelled the Fresh air, They'd be broke too... hehe!

Jobs got his Job Back...

[courtesy of]

Steve Jobs is urging all Americans to become an ORgan donor. [i'm not] Since this is his First Public appearance since he took Sick Leave 6 months ago, HE has only confirmed the rumored Liver Cancer everyone had been speculating. {{wow, even his life is all Secret like}}. Steve Says this:

"I’m very happy to be here today with you all. As some of you know about 5 months ago I had a liver transplant, so I now have the liver of a mid-20’s person who died in a car crash. I wouldn’t be here without such generosity. I hope all of us can be as generous and become organ donors.
Wow Steve... our sentiments exactly... I Cant wait to Die and give my healthy remains to a pampered multi-millionaire who probably, no less, draNK his liver to oblivion. Good Job!!!  I mean, honestly... It always amazes me How the Rich always Find a Way... Yet we're still fighting over Health Reform... Just sayin... anyway, here's a couple pictures of Obama with an Ipod. [just because i can]]

HEHE! Keeping Hope alive!

Oprah Owes me one...

[courtesy of]

"Love Doesnt Hurt, and if a Man hits you once... he will hit you again!" I dont know why we Need Oprah to tell us this one... But just like the other 97% of americans out there that would Drink Oprah's Bath water if Permitted, I have to agree with What she said in Response to Chris "Beat-her-down" Brown {a.k.a Chris Rock 'em Sock 'em} horrible fight with Pop star Rihanna. 
It didnt seem like Chris though so though, Because he backlashed on oprah, [[HA! oprah of all people!] In People MAg, He tells them that he thinks Oprah owes Him one... I mean, i've got to say, It takes some balls to tell a woman that has septuple your salary and limitless power of Influence that she OWES you! I mean, We're talking about the lady that has a Pet Boyfriend [[Steadman]]. 
Anywho, I still have whatever Reservations about the Whole Rihanna/Chris Brown Bought... But in case you missed it... here is a Video for your Delight. 

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Random Youtube Search: Cigarette

Well, As We delve further into the Mysteries which are Youtube, we search yet again for another word... today being:
Cigarette [yay... i colored it like one]

anyway... This First Video is actually of a SELF LIGHTING Cigarette [i'm gonna do this all day], I didnt realize this was possible. lol. Take a look:

This NExt Video Try's To deter anyone From Ever Picking Up a Cigarette. They're not NEWports... but i guess we get the point. lol.

But After Watching This next Video, I cant See how anyone could ever Quit the Habit... geez. **pass me a cigarette plz.** lol.


If you guys havent Noticed Already, We here at What-u-Missed love JayZ... How could you not? But, What happens when you put 3 Amazing Rappers [the best of our time] on one track?? a Masterpiece. Hit the Follow up link to download this song "Fear Success (remix)"

Tyra... your hair is...

Remember when We Used to hear the stories about How tyra was Afraid to Take off her wigs and weaves during sex?? IF you dont remember, This may jog your memory:
“Tyra is a confident woman for the most part, but she is really insecure about her hair. She doesn’t want any guy to see herwithout her wigs or hair extensions. Tyra feels like guys are with her for her image that they see on TV and in magazines. If one wakes upwithout her glamorous hair, she’s worried he may not call back!”
Well,  IT's Pretty Hard to miss the Fact that Today Everyone is reporting About Her Revealling her ReAL hair on Her Television Talk Show. IT's Really not that big of a deal... We always knew she whore fake hair, and its not like she's bald like some other choice models... [ahem] Naomi Campbell. But here is a video for you to enjoy. Watch her explain how she BEAT her face but is still all natural. lmao.
I dont really get it... There is no Real point in showing us this Tyra... But, I guess do whatever you do for those ratings. IF given the oppurtunity, she'd probably be down for Killing on National TV!!
You Gotta keep up with Oprah and Wendy, Tyra. lol. But as long as we dont get another Segment like this one:

Tyra we love you. Keep the Ball Rollin. I'd BE a Ratings whore too if i had your Kind of Money!

Uh UH! No...

So, i was looking at my youtube Subscribers today... and, I found this user's video... This dont make no Damn Sense. I'll let the Video Do the Talking.

I cant believe it... kill me now. These are the people that are Subscribing to my Videos. 

Osama bin Laden Loves Whitney...

Okay... okay... This News is actually old... But If I can miss it, So can you...  If todays MEdia is to be Trusted [which is debatable], Osama bin Laden, You know the guy who killed 5,000 americans and somehow got away with it, is in love with Whitney Houston... He goes on to say:
"he had a paramount desire for Whitney Houston, and although he claimed music was evil he spoke of someday spending vast amounts of money to go to America and try to arrange a meeting with the superstar.
HE even goes Further by saying the he wants to KiLL bobby to get to her. I cant necessarilly say that i disagree with that action... Just sayin, if we could end a potential World War III by just killing him and passing over whitney... Why the Hell not!??
I have no more to say... I dont understand how we could possibly know who he aspires to meet, yet we cant even find what cave he's hiding in. He's Probably not even in a cave... He's probably chillin here in america at somebody's Hyatt hotel. lol. Okay, i'm done... hit up the Follow up for more on this story. 

I Love Whitney. I have her new Album and Everything. downloaded it. I just have to report the facts here. lol. Sry whitney. :-/ Here's a better pic of you. 

AAAaaaHHHhhh!!! Thats the whitney We LOve. 

PAlm... Doin' Alot.

Palm, I think you have an Amazing Phone... But you are Doing Too much For me to keep UP! Okay... Where Shall We Start. 
Yesterday9. 08. 09:
After Weeks of Speculation Regarding the awaited PRice Drop of the Palm Pre, Yesterday Sprint customers were not amused by what They saw... {really, not at all}. Although Sprint hadn't Officially Announced it... The palm Pre Had a special promotion on their website yesterday for Anyone Porting their number from another Carrier, To sprint. [yawn] They offered a $100 Service Credit to those individuals... bringing the Grand Total of the Palm Pre to... **drum Roll** ... $100. 
But Dont get your panties in a Bunch Just Yet Sprint Customers... You soon will have your revenge. Becuz only hours after the online promotion, It was REvoked. Engadget says:
"Sprint says the promotion was put into the system by error and has since been pulled and canceled, although customers who signed up during the glorious six hours the deal was live will still get the credit"
What a Ploy... geez.


Sprint then Announces today that Not only will they be offering the Palm PRe at Yet ANOTHER reduced price (($150)) But they also Confirmed that They will be getting yet ANOTHER palm device. Check out the Pics:

ITs pretty... and since the Pre is running at $150 after Mail-in Rebate... Its assumed that this will run around the $100 range... Awesome. We ARen't a Tech Site [[as i always say]] So if you want to read the Specs and Vids of this thing, Check out the Follow up link. 

Dirty Money... should be Cleaned up...

... then thrown away anyway, becuz it sucks. In Case you missed it today, Diddy has a new video that just released to one of his singles, "Dirty Money". This is a big, WTF!?? if i've ever seen one... [The biggest]. They say a man should know when to give up the race... But apparently Diddy is crossing this Finish line with one leg, a broken arm, arthritis, and a concussion. 

Diddy, For our sakes, Please give up... I cant believe you decided to sing on this track. {{God}}. And these people are competing to be on his BAND ('making his band'). If you Ask me, I dont See whats the Point if Concert Seats will be next to empty on This Tour. |[[Definitely no I am...TOUR]]| It's albums like this that make you appreciate the Beyonce/Rihanna wars of the world. At least you're comparing a better Caliber of Music. ||[we love you Bey and Ri]||

Anywho, Without further adieu... here is the song... you've been warned:

This Guy is belting on the Break... what the hell is that!? I guess he thought he was mariah Carey For a second. Although, thats a whole other story entirely. His Reign is not only over... its been stepped on, abused, and misused; then thrown away with the rest of the garbage. OOPS!!! lmao. Thanks DarJar for the Hilarious Find!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Complex Geometries on The NY Show Floor...

[courtesy of]

Complex Geometries, in case you missed it, is a Clothing line that offers amazing clothes. Well, As you can see, they will be showing in New York on the 15th- 17th... Which is great for us because we get to see more clothes like these.

Dnt be an idiot! {{aDuh!}} Stop by the Website to Look at, Buy, or just drool over these clothes. IT will be well worth your while. lol. Hit the Follow up link.