Saturday, September 5, 2009

What It Means To bE A Woman.

Now, There is nothing I can say that can really do this story Justice... but what you missed today was Transexual, Phillipa Kaufman, Convicted for Manslaughter and Rape being Transferred [_Finally_] to a woman's PRison. [??]. She Actually went to court just to be Transferred... not to be released. [??]X2
Things Get EVEN BETTER, because Ms [mr] Kaufman Hasn't Even Undergone The Sexual Reassignment Surgery... So technically She's Still a Man! {[PENIS!]}. The story just gets better because In order to undergo the surgery she has to live as a woman, and Living inside of a male's prison doesnt allow her to put on make-up or wear skirts ((her/his biggest Gripe)). Anyway, Like i said... I cant do this story justice... Hit up the Follow up to read the full story.
 I absolutely CANT make this shit UP!

FOX NEWS!!! [{{Come ON}}]

[courtesy of FoxNews]
Okay, So Fox News Is All but Fair or Balanced, as all who watch it would know... But what you may have missed yesterday is The crazy reactions from Right-wing {{Republican}} americans that are outraged by The DUMbest things.... UGH! This is Why i watch CNN and MSNBC. But, For you guys, I have thE Video's for your viewing Pleasure.

The First Is People's Absurd reaction to Obama's desire to speack to students in the Classroom. One mother goes as far as taking her daughter out of the class the day Obama Comes [ComeON] ... I dont like to say Racist... But her reasons aren't substantial enough for my liking. Anyhow, WAtch and Draw your own Conclusions.

Then This LAdy is Upset because a PRivate School  {{{PRIVATE SCHOOL}}, meaning the school is privately funded from whoever they so choose, is accepting Money from Saudi's. She causes an uproar at TownHall about it! OMG! Check it out.

Where the hell has the world gone?

Featured Artist: Amose

I Love this Artist, But i dont feel like giving you guys the whole history. lls. So let the ARtwork Speak For Itself... Read This Brief Synopsis I coppied out of a Book, And Ennjoy!
"French Artist Amose Uses Sketches in Almost Everything he does and couldnt imagaine starting a digital illustration or a canvas without drawing it first... Amose works as a graphic designer in his hometown of Lille, Where he is part of the Mercurocrom collective, Along with Spher, Erone, Nada and Spear. Together they work on Various PRoductions, Including graffiti painting, Installations, Graphic design and screen prints."

take a look at some more pics, Then hit up the Followup to visit his site and enjoy more work. HEHE!

Let the pictures Do The Talking:::

[courtesy of Y-3]
I dont know if you guys know Y-3 or not, But if you dont, you definitely missed these beautiful pieces of footwear. hehe! Apparently they partnered up with an Artist MoMo to create these things. I would love to put them on my feet once they go on Sale {{SAleSaLeSALe}}. Here are a couple more Pictures for Your Delight ((^ENJOY!^)).

My One and Only

I dont know if you guys have been watching the old Television {{a what!?}}, yeah i said it, TV... That thing thats probably been gathering Dust due to youtube and hulu... Well, If you havent, you might have missed the New My One and Only trailer. Its the New Renee Zelwegger Movie said to be Phoenominal [for whatever Reason].

I love the Trailer most because there is one Critic {#just 1ne#} that went on to even say "This is the BEST Movie ever made by Renee Zelwegger." I dont know really what this Movie is about, But i cant imagine how This movie could possibly be better than her other smash hits.... let me think of one. anyway, Carrie Rickie from the Philidelphia Enquirer, I think, Said it best,

"It's refreshing, and let's hope it's [Zellweger's] passport out of rom-com purgatory and into mature roles. Sadly, it is a better career move than it is a movie."

HEHE! Yeah, Great Job Renee... I'll go see the movie anyway Just so my words wont remain empty. But i'm PRetty Sure it will suck <suck> Here's a Trailer.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Wow! shoes... {{salivate}}

It seems that Kris Van Assche has done it again for the Fall 2009 season with these leather and suede Panneau sneakers [thats their name]. They have Velcro Straps and they will surely have your Mouth salivating {{pant*pant}}. Here's a couple more shots. 
Dnt have a PRice for these bad boy's Just Yet, but if his other shoes are to Tell, they should run anywhere between $400-$600. [YIKES] . Hit up the follow up if you want to see more by mr. Assche. 

Music You Missed Part: I

I may be late with this, but I just recently downloaded this album. And i've got to say {{Round of Applause}}. Seriously, Its an awesome album... and now all of you who havent heard it yet, can get it too!!! ((*HORRAY*)). So hit up the Follow up link to download the entire album! hehe

I Got me Some Bathing Apes! NEw Store!

(courtesy of

So, in case you missed it yesterday, BEcause i sure did, A new Bape Pirate store will be opening on LAfayette St in New York. With Sales like 70%, everyone will have some Bathing Apes. hehe!  That's pretty much it... If your in NY make sure to get there before the 7th.

Sprint has a Hero!

Sprint has just announced that officially they will be releasing their new phone the HTC HERO {[gasp]}. I dont like to draw comparisons to that other phone on the ATT network [cough, cough] but, this will definately put a dent in that phone's plan for world domination. Here's a Spec list:

3.2 in. Display (multi-touch)
Full Flash Support (!)
Google Android Operating System [[sprint 1st]]

5 mgpxl camera (take that!) 

I only posted the Specs you guys would care about... I'm not a tech blog.  But if you hit up the Follow up link, you can get a full specs list. It seems that Sprint has given the Hero a makeover as well, this is what it used to look like...

IT has the oh so memorable G1 chin... i didnt like it on the G1, but i like it on the Hero. Eh! Well, its gone now. What are your impressions. Comment. 

Dont Steal Cable!!

IT seems like you missed the fact that Direct Tv is going around the country, Suing innocent Americans that want to sell their services ILLEGALLY for profit. *shrugz* Poor Guyz. I guess crime doesnt pay after all. Hit up the Follow ups to see the Full stories. 
[follow up]] DirectTV vs VA residents
[follow up]] Vs Michigan Man

Youtube Random Search: Crunchy

So, everyday, i will go on youtube and type in a random word and see what pops up. And post my findings in a post. lol. |=simplicity=|. So, today's word was "crunchy". Here's what we found.

That video, although a little hysterical, was kinda creepy {{Frightened}}. But thats not it! lmao. there are more video's that we've found. Check this out.

Mortal Spongebob?? IDK. But the video's just get wierder and wierder. I tell you. IF you have a word that you'd like me to Search for tomorrow, just post a comment with the word.

Atl House Knife! eeEEKK!

(courtesy of
So I dnt know when it was that reality stars from different Networks start associating with eachother, but it seems that what you missed today was the Twitter bought between BravoTv and BET [??]. Apparently Kim Zolciak from the Atlanta Housewives and Neffe from Keisha Cole's Show are at it on the internet social network 
Neffe Put Kim's Number up for the public to see and Kim got pissed!
Kim went on to exchange some other choice words [[censored]]. You want to hear more? Hit up the follow up. 

Solar Powered Iphones!? [i dont get it]

(Courtesy of

I wont say much about this because it's stupid. But apparently some company has decided to make an iphone attachement that will charge your battery by the SUN! I mean, I hadnt realized sunlight could penetrate though denim pockets [|[or leather purses]|]. I mean, its just dumb because no one is going to want to hold their phone up to the light all day to keep a charge. And considering that usually your phone dies when its closer to the night time hour... lol. I shall say no more. Hit up the follow up link.

[follow up]]

Rihanna making HeadLines

(courtesy of
It seems like all you rihanna fans might be a little upset if you missed this today. IF is to be trusted (-which is debatable-), it seems like RiRi has got a new date in this guy (viewer descretion is advised):
(courtesy of google)
No, we're not talking about Mary-Kate... although, I must say she probably has more testosterone *i love Mary-Kate*. This guy, Travis London [pictured on the left for those who are still confused], has been caught with the pop star frequently in L.A., Then bounced over to Santa Monica to have Romantic Dinner with Ri. *geez*
Rihanna, I love you. I dont want to see you hurt. ||hehe||. Check out the followup for the full story.

In other Rihanna News, the tattoo shop at which she ILLEGALLY tattooed a few people is being handed a citation by the health department of New York. "Huh"? It appears the shop can be paying anywhere between $200- $2000 for Ri's blunder. Rihanna is just all over the place today.


(courtesy of
I know your at home, no doubt applying to some new job since you just got fired |[or in your words QUIT!]| from your last one. But what you might have missed today is that unemployment rates have reached a 26 year high at 9.8% of Americans sitting at home watching VH1 reality shows all day ((realCHANCE)). This all happened while Employers, for the month of august, had actually fired [or layed off] fewer people *ppl* than in previous months. There was an average 216,000 job losses last month which, compared to the 276,000 from August 2008, isn't all that bad or good.  Check out the followup for the full story. 

Thursday, September 3, 2009

NEW Sony Phone! [[SexY!]]

(courtesy of Engadget)
The Xperia Pureness is what you may have missed today. This sexy peice of electronic goodness was thought up by the labs at Sony, where people and robots get along! {{HaaHahA}} anyhow, there are no specs on this phone, but these pictures are enough for me to get off to. [hehe] So, for more information on this phone and more pics, hit up the follow up and leave your impressions here. [[ -dueces- ]]


[follow up]]

In The House

 (courtesy of
So, What you might have missed while you were facebooking away [tsk, tsk], Maia Campbell, from the Vintage UPN branded show IN THE HOUSE ((boy i miss it)), has reportedly been caught and video taped selling her body [prostituting is bad]. i shall say no more. take a look::

T-Mobile Customers Rejoice!!

(Courtesy of

So what you missed today while you were probably talking on your sidekick, dreading the day you signed your soul away to the Infamous T-mobile [[**GaSp**]] for two long years [aaaaahHH!!], is that today is your lucky day {(-Whew-)}. T-Mobile has changed an all important clause in that death contract you signed oh so long ago. "REALLY!?" you may be asking... well yes. It's true. The clause says as follows {[[READreadREAD]]}:

Overage for single line plans under $59.99 will increase to $0.45 per minute; all others will
increase to $0.40 per minute.
Overage for family plans under $89.99 will increase to $0.45 per minute; all others will
increase to $0.40 per minute.
Note: This only applies to postpaid plans, not FlexPay or business/government plans

(courtesy of
Also, something else that may get you T-mo slave's juices flowing, is that i've found some great information for saving lots of CASH (|5-25%|) on that bill. Hit up the the follow up below if you want to know more about what you missed.
